From Ancestral Diet to Modern Diet
The evolution of our diet has accelerated past the evolution of human design and we are unable to catch up. Plain and simple. In this video, we’ll get to the center of this concept that is so prevalent in today’s diet, health, and lifestyle conversations.
There are many differing opinions on ketogenic diets these days, with some even promoting a version of keto-McDonalds (LOL), so you have to be careful and not just believe everything you hear. The bottom line is that the current western diet is not beneficial to our health and we must revert and go back to the diet consumed by our hunter-gather ancestors: a ketogenic diet.
Here’s what you can expect to learn:
- What is our optimal condition as a human?
- What is keto adapted, or fat adapted exactly?
- What’s the difference between hunter gatherer diet vs modern diet?
- My adaptation experience with an 8-week keto carnivore diet.
- A diet to survive vs a diet to thrive, what’s the difference?
- How did the emergence of agriculture impact human health?
- How do processed foods and industrialization fit into all this?
- The quality of life, mental and physical health.
Make sure you follow me on Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch all of my upcoming videos and interviews.
Vivica has worked in a nutritional clinical practice of 4 years, coaching countless patients through detoxes and lifestyle changes.
In 2014 after her discovery of being pre-diabetic, she created a local ketogenic diet program to help people who were heading towards diabetes and obesity.
This program eventually developed into The Healing Foods Method. Vivica keeps teaching her course locally in addition to a number of classes on the ketogenic diet, traditional nourishing foods, and cooking classes.
The Healing Foods Method has been very successful from the very beginning, privately filling the program consistently until the recent release to the public.
- eliminate sugar
- carb cravings
- stop out-of-control eating
- reduce or eliminate costly prescription drugs
- punishing yourself with bland food,
- arduous amounts of exercise,
- constant pangs of hunger!
If you are ready to leave your old failed diets behind and blaze a trail to success and healthy living I invite you to take this journey of transformation with me!